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PICT1719 | 25.5.08 5:04
Počet fotek: 31 | Nápověda
Today, although Lakers decides to execute the contract of the last year for Bynum, a year later where he belongs to. He has certain dominance on the painted area, but his immaturity and unstable state which both become the core of problems. And Lakers will put Bynum intofootball jerseys design your own their future plan or not. This season, he became the second scorer of Lakers which only inferior to Kobe. In the same time, they should take something into account, when played with Rocket, he was too unwise to shoot a three points, which directly led to losing. His bad tnhl jerseys cheapemper will become the hinder of his own growth, he should learn to be calm. In order to know Bynum' impression on fans, the result is that over60% fans is for dealing Bynum. While fans who is against dealing Bynum is only 21%. At last, whether Lakers make which decision.nike nfl shp